Acupuncture: What Role Does It Play In Addiction
For decades, medical professionals and therapists alike have
struggled to find the cause and the cure for addiction. Scientists have studied
it from both a genetic and an environmental perspective. Family and friends
have tried everything they can think of. Even addicts themselves have tried one
thing after another to try and get relief from the problem. They may try
counseling, moving to a different state, punishing themselves, rewarding
themselves, checking themselves in to rehabs or going to church. Some people
seem to get to a point where they are done and after seeking treatment or
making drastic lifestyle changes appear to overcome their addiction. Others
struggle throughout their lives, eventually dying without ever getting the help
they need.
What Works For One Person, Doesn’t Work For
So how do you overcome addiction? There doesn’t seem to be
an easy answer. Some swear by rehab, others by twelve step programs. Still
others insist that it is a behavioral problem that can be fixed with rigid self-control
or willingness to change.
While willingness to change is certainly a bonus, there are
plenty of people out there who are tired of using and who have the willingness
to do something different, yet find themselves back to square one again and again.
Then there are those who show not a shred of willingness, yet leave rehab free
of cravings and somehow achieve long-term recovery.
Some respond well to the twelve step community, others to a
structured rehab program. Then there are those who go to rehab after rehab only
to relapse and come back again.
Traditional rehab settings use a combination of individual
and group therapy, psychoeducational groups, behavioral therapy, a structured,
protected setting and a focus on accountability to get results. This does work
for some people, but does not work for many more. Many find a combination of
rehab and twelve step programs helps them to stay clean and sober.
The Introduction Of Holistic Therapies In
Addiction Treatment
Addiction treatment has yet to come up with a consistent,
proven, effective formula to help those who are addicted. The quality of
treatment programs varies widely, and many are not using evidence-based
treatments, nor do they offer comprehensive services. There are plenty of good
treatment centers, though, that offer evidence-based treatments, quality
therapy, comprehensive services, and many that also offer holistic therapies
for their clients.
Holistic therapies are simply those that address the “whole”
person. This includes physical, mental and emotional health. Holistic medicine
isn’t just about treating a symptom, it’s about treating the person, and
delving into the root causes of problems.
addiction treatment does the same, with therapies that help the
individual on multiple levels. Also, holistic treatments often include
alternative therapies, some that are relatively new, and some that have been
around for over a thousand years.
Acupuncture In Addiction Treatment
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that is used
to treat a wide variety of both physical and mental maladies. It may be used to
alleviate pain, improve digestion, aid in sleep, fight depression, and more
recently, help people who are struggling with addiction or who are in early
The practice consists of using the acupuncture needles in 3
to 5 spots around the ear. These particular pressure points, when stimulated,
are believed to help reduce cravings, improve sleep, and improve kidney and liver
function. This can aid the body in the detox process.
While there are plenty of skeptics out there, many people
swear by
acupuncture for addiction treatment, and more
and more rehabs are offering this service. Clients and addiction professionals
alike are singing the praises of this time-tested practice, stating that it
helps newly recovering addicts feel better during the early phases of recovery.
This is pretty big, if you think about it, because it is during this early
phase that people tend to be the most vulnerable. They are more likely to leave
treatment prematurely and relapse if they can’t get their cravings under
control, or if they are overwhelmed with symptoms like insomnia, fatigue and
depression. These happen to be common issues in treatment, as the client is
often going through post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) theses symptoms can
be quite severe, and can interfere with the recovery process.
Other holistic therapies that have been shown to help
recovering addicts include yoga, meditation, massage therapy and nutrition
So, does acupuncture for addiction treatment work?
Many think so, and research is looking into
the claims that it is an effective treatment. So far, the jury is still out.
Again, it may come down to the individual. Some may respond well to this type
of treatment, while others won’t. While no one is suggesting that acupuncture
be the only line of defense against withdrawal symptoms and cravings, there are
those that believe that the recovering addict needs all the help they can get.
And, it really can’t hurt.
Personally I can say it made a huge difference in my
personal journey into recovery. I found
that it helped significantly with anxiety and Post Acute Withdrawal
Syndrome. I also suffered from a lot of
stomach pain and insomnia I found relief relatively quickly. I would highly recommend that anyone at least
try it once you may be surprised at how much it helps.
Would you try acupuncture? Or have you had experience with
it in the past? Do you think that it is a good addition to rehab therapies, or
a waste of time?
Lockinger is passionate member of the recovery community. A rebel who found her
cause, she uses blogging and social media to raise the awareness about the
disease of addiction. She has visited all over North and South America. Single
mom to two beautiful children she has learned parenting is without a doubt the
most rewarding job in the world. Currently the Outreach Director at
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