Friday, April 3, 2015

What's In It For Me?

I've thought long and hard since jump starting this blog, what is it I have left to say?  What can someone who has been sober for almost four years offer to someone that is still struggling to see the worth of a life without alcohol?  After all, my days have become somewhat routine, I know longer wake up in wonder that my head isn't pounding, my stomach isn't revolting, and my spirit isn't looking back at me in the mirror with sad, sad eyes.

I can't promise that life will get easier. It could get harder. God might be saving up the really bad stuff for when you are strong enough to handle it.

I can't promise that you'll be happier.  There are plenty of miserable sober people walking around to disprove that theory.

I can't even promise that you'll have a new life, be a new you. Because I guess it's possible to give up the booze and remain the same. It would be damn hard.  But possible. I think that's what they call a dry alcoholic.

But here is what I can promise you:

You will never wonder if the reason you didn't get that promotion was because of your drinking.

You'll never worry that the reason your youngest son doesn't call you is because of your drinking.

You won't have to lie to your doctor about your drinking.

You can run to the store at 10:30 pm to get that thing your kid forgot to tell you he needs for school tomorrow without worrying about getting a DUI.

You can quit imagining the day you kill yours' or someone else's child while drunk. (I know you're already saying, "But I don't drink and drive." What about backyard bar-b-q's and a bunch of beers and no one's watching the kids?  What about weekends at the lake and too many cocktails? What about sleepovers and you've drank  two bottles of wine and passed out and don't hear the smoke alarm? These were my constant nightmares when my kids were growing up...but it didn't make me quit drinking.)

You will be able to answer the phone at any time of the day.

When you forgot something someone told you, you no longer have to be ashamed. You just forgot.

Your spouse, your kids, your parents, your brothers and sisters, your friends, will no longer have to worry that you'll make a scene at the next get together because you're drunk.  Weddings, baptisms, Christmas, trips to're good to go.

More importantly, you will no longer worry that you'll make a scene because you're drunk.

You'll no longer have to try and "act" sober.

The voices in your head will find other things to talk about.

I'm just getting started. I'm sure you can think of a few, too.

Is that enough for you?


  1. It's enough for me. Such a blessing.

    Happy Easter my friend! Enjoy your sober holiday.


  2. Excellent, Kary. Lots of very good reasons to never overdrink.

    1. So right, JPP! And if you can't NOT overdrink, don't drink at all.

  3. Living honestly will always feel better. Thank you for this. Many of your promises are familiar pain points of my drinking past. I look forward to experiencing the honest side if all of these situations. Good for you! And I,for one, am glad you are still offering your wisdom here

    1. Jill, since I've been sober I've made a point of living a completely honest life, I am still amazed at the times I find myself starting to lie about something insignificant. Honesty, takes one more monkey off your back.
      Your welcome, I'm glad you think it's worth your time to stop by and visit.

  4. "Honesty takes more of the monkey off your back."Excellent advice.
